Playgrounds are a cornerstone for community! Whether at a school or park environment, playgrounds are where people gather, interact, learn and recreate. Inclusive design allows for people of all abilities to gather together and take part in these very meaningful interactions.

Our team has extensive experience and training to assist you with creating projects that meet the needs of your community.  Careful consideration of accessibility, functionality, and flexibility of use is essential to designing for all to enjoy.

We offer products and layouts that conform to the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design which sets minimum requirements for accessibility. In addition, our manufacturers have created countless products that address usability and enjoyment as well.

Playgrounds can include ramps, transfer modules, and ground level play activities. Sensory items, areas for social play, and varied levels of challenge can greatly enrich the space. Therapeutic and adaptive additions such as a back support, hand support, visual contrast, and space for care givers can increase usability for people with special needs.

Our Manufacturers

We work with only the finest manufacturers who meet the strongest safety and quality standards.

Landscape Structures Logo
Surfice America Logo
DuMor Logo
Aquatix Logo
SkyWays Logo
Cedar Forest Products Co.
Americana Logo
Agorespace Logo